Yasmmin Côrtes Martins Martins
Position Held:
PhD Student
University graduate / Profession:
PhD Student
Personal Links:
Graduated in System's analysis and development at Fluminense Federal Institute, where I developed a web system to apply cognitive tests of memory and attention generating reports in the administration page. All the data about this kind of tests and the terminology is recorded following the linked data principles in order to encourage other systems to adopt the same terminology and facilitate the analysis and querying using the same file format. Master's degree in Systems and Information at Military Institute of Engineering. I developed a dissertation about data interlinking (https://github.com/YasCoMa/dscrank) on the web of data in the semantic web context, having as target since the ranking of the best datasets publicly available to link to some source without external links, till the data items mapping between the selected datasets and the source one, human validation using an online platform (https://ypublish.info/crowdsourcing-validation/) by crowdsourcing to validate the items mapping, and at the end making the data fusion between source dataset and the validated items. Ongoing doctorate.in Computational modelling at the National Laboratory of Scientific Computing where I am developing a thesis about protein interaction prediction, using multiple evidence of biological information which gives different shadows about physical and functional associations between proteins and massive use of machine learning to combine detection methods and posterior classification.
Interest Areas
- Biological databases
- Data mining
- Semantic web
- Bioinformatics