SAHA - Sistema para Acompanhamento Holístico de Atletas



Human Centric computing is a new area that places the human being at the heart of systems' functionality. In this work we present a system of this kind that supports the follow-up of high performance athletes. The system is structured on the follow-up of variations of athlete's observable conditions in time. A mobile object trajectory conceptual model has been adapted to model the variations of observable conditions on a virtual space, which has been named metaphoric trajectories. This system enables registering and analyzing athlete's metaphoric trajectories of different observable elements, such as heartbeats, glucose, lactose, etc., and even the athlete's psychological estate. The metaphoric trajectory model supports interesting time-variation analyses that put into perspective the organic behavior of different athletes of the same discipline with impacts on athlete nutrition and training planning. This system is being used by the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB) and will support Brazilian athlete's follow-up during the Olympic Games

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Sistema para Acompanhamento Holístico de Atletas

