Sao Paulo School of Advanced Science on Learning from Data

Event Info
29-07-2019 to 09-08-2019
Sâo Paulo - SP - Brazil
The São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Learning from Data, supported by the São Paulo School of Advanced Science Program at FAPESP and organized by Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Sao Paulo (USP), is taking place from July 29th to August 9th at USP, at its International Diffusion Center (“Centro de Difusão Internacional-CDI"). The School is offering, through ten advanced courses and invited talks, an integrated and in-depth view of fundamentals, technologies and applications in Data Science for researchers, post-doctoral fellows and graduate students. More specifically, the School will cover a set of topics that include: fundamentals of extracting information from data (i.e. machine learning and pattern recognition), fundamentals of databases and high-performance computing. Additional topics include applications of data science techniques to real problems in Astronomy, Economics, Genetics and Image Processing. The School will also have panels with top researchers and a session with lightning talks from the attendees.
Event Info
29-07-2019 to 09-08-2019
Sâo Paulo - SP - Brazil